Shadowbanned on Kik?

Have you been the Unwarranted Target of a Shadowban on Kik? Were you aware that this action is Unlawful in many Jurisdictions? With our assistance, you can create a Legally Compliant Document and send it to the Kik Legal Department in just minutes. The majority of users experience their Shadowban Lifted within hours.

Things to know about Kik Shadowban

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Send the document to the email address we provide for direct contact with the platform's legal team for review.


Most Platforms Unban users of fear of a Lawsuit based on our Bulletproof Legal Complaint.

How to Fix a Kik Shadowban

Social media platforms have stepped up their implementation of controls over user behavior and content in recent years. The Shadowban is a restriction where a user’s profile is hidden from the public without their knowledge. For those who are impacted, this can be a frustrating experience because they might not know why their engagement and reach have decreased. But there is still hope. UnBanMeNow has been created to assist to help those KiK users that got their account temporarily shadowbanned.

What is KiK?

Kik is a well-known social platform that enables users to communicate with one another while sending text, pictures, and videos, and using its other functions. Due to its simplicity and anonymity, it quickly gained popularity after its 2010 launch, especially among younger users. Users of Kik can connect by sharing their unique username or by scanning a Kik code. The app is a flexible platform for communication and entertainment.

What is the Kik shadowban?

In a more detailed manner, shadowbanned it’s a powerful tool that social media platforms such as KiK can use to reduce the exposure of one user. Kik’s support team denies the usage of this method as it is highly controversial and it violates freedom of speech among users. This has been a pretty effective tool Users that get banned on the platform will likely create a new account right away and will try to bypass this tool. In forums like Reddit, people comment that this was created to buy time and create a more robust platform that can detect users that are violating terms of service of the app.

Reasons why your Kik account got shadowbanned

As there is no official statement by the platform, it’s hard to create an official list of the reasons why your account is shadowbanned. To solve this problem, we have asked many users of the Kik app and we have gathered the most common reasons that users have experienced with the app.

Go against community guidelines

Your account may be shadowbanned on KiK if you violate the community rules. The purpose of the community rules is to guarantee a secure and civil environment for all users. Posting hate speech, disseminating pornographic material, or engaging in bullying or harassment are all violations. If your account is shadowbanned as a result of breaking community rules, you might not be able to post or share content with others, and it might also prevent your account from appearing in search results or being recommended to other people. Review the rules and make sure your account complies with them to resolve the problem.


Another factor that could lead to your account being shadowbanned on KiK is spam. Spamming is the act of sending unwanted emails or other content to other users, frequently with the goal of promoting a good or service. KiK has strict rules against spamming because it can be very annoying and interfere with the user experience. You might not be able to interact with other users on the platform or send messages if your account has been shadowbanned for spamming. It’s critical to review the platform’s spam policies and modify your behavior as necessary to address this problem.

Posting Inappropriate content 

Stay away from offensive content such as Hate speech, pornographic material, or other materials that encourage illegal activity are examples of inappropriate content. KiK has rules in place to make sure the platform is a safe and respectful place for all users, and violations can lead to account suspension or shadowbanning. Review the community guidelines and ensure your content complies with them if your account has been shadowbanned for posting inappropriate material.

Reported by other users

You risk having your account shadowbanned on KiK if other users report it. Reports can be made for a number of different offenses, such as offensive conduct, spamming, or other transgressions of the community rules. KiK investigates every report seriously to see if any action is required. Review your platform behavior and make any necessary adjustments if your account has been shadowbanned as a result of reports from other users to prevent similar reports in the future.

How to remove the shadowban from KiK?

Removing the shadowban can seem like an impossible task, luckily, UnBanMeNow has developed an Online tool that allows you to submit a ticket and get unbanned in no time. Make sure to follow all the steps on this guide to avoid any delays.

Submit your ticket

To begin the process, fill out the online form with your name, email and kik username. This information will be crucial to create the right document and to have all the contact details in case you need to submit additional information. 

Tell us about your case

After filling out your contact information and username, you will need to provide us with some information about your specific case. Please try to remember your previous activity on the App as this will help us generate the perfect document that fits your needs. After you submit your claim, you will need to select the options that apply to your specific case and generate the document.

Send the File given to you

After completing this process, you will be able to download a file containing your case and information to send contact the customer support or the help center which will be in charge of your case. You might be asked to verify your identity before you can download the file. Don’t worry, a tutorial will be available for you if you have trouble with it, we recommend you to watch the tutorial and then proceed with the verification. 

How to avoid getting shadowbanned

There are a few essential things you should keep in mind if you don’t want to get reported or deal with any shadowbans on the platform:

  1. Learn about the community rules and policies of the platform: Violations of these guidelines may result in account suspension or shadowbanning. These guidelines are in place to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all users.
  2. Try to refrain from sending unwanted messages or content to other users: The user experience may be disrupted and irritated by this, and KiK has strict policies against spam.
  3. Don’t publish offensive or graphic material on the platform. Images, videos: or language that is offensive or encourages illegal activity can all fall under this category.
  4. Maintain positive and respectful interactions among everyone: Avoid engaging in behavior that violates the community guidelines, such as bullying, harassment, or hate speech.
  5. Be aware of how frequently and extensively you interact with the platform: The platform’s spam filters may be triggered by excessive messaging or activity, which could lead to shadowbanning. 

No, KiK is able to detect information such as your IP, email address and phone number. If you try to create a new account they will likely detect it and either deactivate your account or completely shadowban your account once and for all. You might get away with this if you wait at least a few months or if you submit an appeal process to the platform/

Yes, you can get banned from KiK permanently if you are found to be violating the community standards several times. This usually happens with account found posting explicit content, spread of misinformation or disturbing the peace within the platform.

The length of the shadowban can vary depending on the violation you committed or if you have any previous activity with the account. The usual shadowban can last from a few days up to some weeks. There is no such thing as an specific time for this type of ban. 

Yes, one the shadowban is lifted you will be able to use this platform as usual. Be mindful with the stuff you share as future shadowbans cannot be prevented. If you like to know more about this, we invite you to check out your content as start the unlocking of your account.

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